Owen County SWCD is one of the founding partners that helped establish the MYPath Trail System. MYPath is a network of safe sidewalks and multi-use trails that seeks to connect the YMCA on the west side of Spencer, Indiana with McCormick’s Creek State Park on the east.
The trail system runs directly adjacent to our office across the bridge south of Spencer. When you’re on the trail, please stop in and say “Hi!”
Kyle Hannon (pictured above) is the MYPath Trail Systems Coordinator. To meet Kyle and the other MYPath members please visit on the weekly Wednesday Walkers event that occurs at the Riverfront Trailhead – 788 Pottersville Road Spencer, Indiana 47460. Join us for a mile-long stroll along the Riverfront Trail. We meet at 10 AM every Wednesday, rain or shine, at the Riverfront Trailhead, next to the Soil and Water Conservation District Office.
More information about MYPath including membership as a Friend of MYPath and volunteer opportunities are available on their website: www.mypathtrail.org
Below is a map of the current MYPath Trail System detailing the current part of the trail that are completed, under construction, and proposed.
Below is a detailed map highlighting the current trail heads that MYPath provides along with the Owen County SWCD office, the Bottomland Forest Ecological Restoration Site, and the New Meadow project. MYPath and Owen County SWCD look forward to future development of this trail for public use.