The Hope in Healthy Soil


Four Keys to Building the Soil and Ensuring Our Food Future

1. Minimize soil disturbance. The soil’s natural biological cycles and soil structure can be disrupted through tillage, chemical disturbance or improper livestock grazing. By reducing or eliminating these activities, farmers will benefit from better plant growth, reduced soil erosion, increased profit margins and better wildlife habitat. Full screen view No-till planting into corn stubble
2. Energize with diversity. Biodiversity, growing more plants in rotation, increases the success of most agricultural systems. Diversity above ground improves diversity below ground, which provides an ideal habitat for the billions of micro-organisms that perform essential soil ecosystem functions like helping make nutrients available to plants. Full screen view Diversity above ground improves diversity below ground
3. Keep the soil covered. Using cover crops helps restore soil health, protects against soil erosion and groundwater leaching, and provides livestock feed and wildlife habitat. In addition, cover crops protect the soil ecosystem from temperature extremes and improve plant health. Full screen view Cover crop in corn stubble
4. Maximize living roots. Year-round, living roots are essential to provide the food and habitat for soil micro-organisms. These roots also create pores and channels in the soil that provide oxygen and increase water infiltration capacity — which helps makes cropland more resilient to weather extremes like droughts and floods.
Full screen view
Exposed healthy soil showing its structure with roots and worms



Indiana USDA NRCS Soil Health Webpage

Indiana Conservation Choices Soil Health Practices (USDA NRCS)

Marion County SWCD Soil Health